In the summer of 1981, a car accident crippled a young man named Greg Roth. It handicapped his legs and disabled his body. But there’s more. The damage wasn’t just flesh and blood. It broke his pride and crushed all he knew about God. The accident knocked him into soul recovery. Only God can do it. Only God can disable to enable. Only God can turn the anvil of affliction into an altar of praise.

Greg Roth

So I just wanted to stop by your web browser on the Easter weekend of 2014 to set up an altar. Thank God for Jesus who claimed Greg’s heart! Greg has now more than overcome paraplegia by believing in the awesome death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. And it all started with an “accident.”


Testimonies like Greg’s are hallmark examples of God’s faithfulness and goodness. It’s an honor to research and write about Greg’s life.