Rebranding for Alliance Youth

Because of a leadership transition and a shifting target audience, Alliance Youth needed a rebrand. Pain points of the previous brand were identified in order to course correct with the new version.

Survey stakeholders.

We surveyed the co-directors of the ministry to better understand how they were perceived versus how they wanted to be perceived. It was important to identify exactly what was new. This involved interview questions and exercises that drew out key ideas that would later govern our choices with type and color. It was also important to maintain harmony with the parent brand by choosing hues from the parent brand and then adjusting their saturation and brightness.

Test viability with key stakeholders.

We paced ourselves, introducing the new logo idea to wider circles, asking for feedback about what resonated with people. We wanted to make sure that the new brand identity would stick with those who had already been championing Alliance Youth. Each time we received feedback, we made small adjustments to the logo and the colors to push it to where it needed to go.

At the end of the day, we released this new logo with confidence that it met the aspirational goals of the leaders and simultaneously could be embraced by the people we served.